Support H.R. 82- End the WEP/GPO

After years of hard work and advocacy by thousands of working people across the country we are closer than ever to repealing the unfair WEP/GPO that wrongfully strips millions of hard-working people across the country of the full Social Security benefit they earned and paid for, simply because they are also entitled to a public pension benefit.  

Under current federal law, the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) drastically reduces or even completely eliminates the expected Social Security benefit of retirees who are entitled to a public pension. Similarly, the Government Pension Offset (GPO) will significantly reduce any survivor’s benefit your spouse may be entitled to in the event of your death if your spouse collects a public pension from a job not covered by Social Security.

Help end the WEP/GPO TODAY!

According to the Social Security Administration, in our Northern New England Region more than 105,000 retirees are hurt by the WEP and nearly 50,000 surviving spouses are impacted by the GPO. Many are harmed by both!

On September 10th, Representatives Garret Graves (R-Louisiana) and Abigail Spangerger (D-Virginia) introduced a Discharge Petition to force a vote on H.R. 82—which is the only bill in Congress that effectively eliminates the WEP and GPO once and for all! With strong bipartisan support in both chambers of Congress, a vote on H.R. 82 is within reach, but your help is needed to push this important legislation over the finish line!

To force a vote on H.R. 82, the Discharge Petition introduced by Representatives Graves and Spangerger needs the signatures of 218 other Members of Congress! Click here to ask your Congressperson to sign the Discharge Petition TODAY! If this inequity is not fixed, someday in the future it will hurt your family in your retirement years.

Help us end the WEP and GPO once and for all. It only takes a minute to email your Representative to help us win this fight.