How to Support Us!

We need you! The only way we can make the changes that homecare workers and Vermont needs is by hundreds and even thousands of us speaking with one voice! Homecare workers need to join their union! The community, those we care for, we need your support and to spread the word!

I am a Homecare Worker!

The only way we can win is if we all work as one together in our Union!
Click here to go sign your membership card

If you have any questions on how to fill it out, or any other questions about being a member,

Click here for a guide on filling out your membership card as well as some FAQs

I am not a Homecare Worker, but I want to Help!

We appreciate the support! We aren't just fighting for ourselves but all Vermonters, we all deserve to have a system of care that can support us when we need it!

Click here to sign our letter of support!